Episode 10

Laying the Foundation: Falling Out of “Warp” | EP 010

Dr. Judith talks about times you can ‘fall out of warp’ with what is helpful to you and how those around you, like family and/or friends can see it quicker than yourself. Falling out of warp is like not being in sync with your Soul, which may be due to fearfulness, uncertainty, being overly concerned about what others might think, say, or do. The result is that you aren’t hearing the promptings of your Soul of what and how to do something. It is as if a wall goes up of static hindering your connection with the substance of your life, your Soul. This is where the importance of having a community of like-mined Souls, where others can see aspects about you that you may not initially see. This helps you to reduce the static and get back on the ‘beam’, the path to your Source.

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About the Host:

Dr. Judith Holder’s passion is empowering people to be their best selves! Dr. Holder is the founder and executive director of Unique Pathways™ (www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com). She is a leadership coach-psychologist, facilitator, consultant, and author.

Our paths are filled with many adventures in which Judith believes can be seen as growth opportunities, even during challenging times. She likes to think about, discover, and discuss personal and professional life’s circumstances as you journey through life, through the lens of Christian values, Buddhist precepts, Ascended Master teachings and Esoteric Principles to gain greater clarity and mastery in daily living. 

Dr. Holder is the author of Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam – Essential Insights for Growth and Self-Mastery, and an e-book, Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth

On a personal note, Dr. Holder sees herself as a perpetual student learning from her everyday adventures, which she considers as a part her ongoing growth and evolution of her SOUL. The fun part is we are all walking similar journeys together!

Judith enjoys spending time with family, vacationing at beaches and mountains sides, reading, walking, partaking in mindfulness practices, and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dr. Holder’s books on Mastering Life’s Adventures: On the Beam and Opening Up to Your Divinity: Practical Strategies and Practices for Soul Growth can be found at -



Mastering Life’s Adventures “How to” Downloadable Courses at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab “Offerings”

  • Course 1: Mastering Life’s Adventures mini-course
  • Course 2: Opening Up to Your Divinity mini-course


Learn more about “Mental Fitness for Busy People”, at www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com under the Tab, “Offerings”


You can also check out Dr. Holder’s at

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judith-c-holder-phd-ms-pcc-bcc-a1a4a57/

Executive and Leadership Coaching website: www.uniquepathwayscoaching.com

Speaking Engagements (for Women New to Leading): www.drjudithholder.com


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Dr. Judith Holder:

Welcome to Mastering Life's Adventures, an educational podcast about tapping into your true self, the soul, your soul, the substance of your life, to discover what life's ups and downs are really about, and how to have a greater sense of purpose, peace, joy, and fulfillment. I am Dr. Judith holder and your host, Coach psychologist Delos seeker, he enjoys diving into the connections between spirituality, psychology, wellness, and your everyday life's adventures. All comparing and polishing you like the fast is a magnificent diamond, to be your best self. If you're craving more from your life, you are in the right place. Come let's journey together and transforming what you know, and to who you really are mastering mice adventures begins now.

Dr. Judith Holder:

Hi, good to be back with you. And talking about this time, something that just recently happened in my world, that may also happen for you. I'm going to call this falling out of work, that you're doing things that you need to do, and you're on that spiritual path, and then you get derailed or you get off the path or you get sidetracked. Or you go down a different path. And what happens when that is occurring for you. And we do it at different levels that the mental, emotional, physical levels that can get us off the path, our soul evolution, our soul growth, which wants harmony wants peace, wants to be able to look at challenges, and to be able to handle those challenges in a very centered, balanced way. And one of the things that that happened to me recently is I was in this group I have and one of the things that was brought up, as I was talking about these episodes that I was doing, and they were very much appreciative of the information that was being released through the podcast. But one person brought to my attention is this, but you just finished talking earlier in the conversation I had with the group about doing this activity they asked me to do in order to get the word out more, but I was hesitant about it. And I expressed to them my hesitancy. And then it was so nice. there and we weren't totally we went on. And we talked about other things. But the truth came back to the end, one of the person said, but it's not look like you're in alignment here. You can do this activity that brought it back this over here. But your uncertainties or your fears or your angst or your doubts or whatever, what's that about is ultimately what I interpreted as, and it made me take a step back. Be still and realize that's totally true, that we can go in war. And that in warp is we're instead with our soul in step with the guidance in step with what we need to do each and every day. But we can also can go off out of war so, so easily initially, with little things that we say, or emotions that we feel of anxiety or fear, or what people are gonna think or how people are going to feel, all that we have to be aware of. Not only is that static, but we also need people to remind us that hey, I am kind of walk and be more consistent around this behavior, or what I'm thinking or talking about, I'm trying to be more consistent. And my positivity, for example, or I'm trying to make sure that I am having an intentional feeling of harmony, imbalance and giving this or compassion or love, whatever the quality that you're working on that you want to be able to do that. But sometimes we can get befuddled. We can get annoyed, we can get anxious. I know. But are we saying that we're not in alignment? To a certain degree? Yes. But to another degree is welcome to life. That's why we have this life. We have to live in order to know that we're going to veer off. But can we come back on? Or can someone awaken us to really be aware of the fact that we veered off and we What are you doing there? Don't you want to work this path, which is more in alignment with the path or the direction that you're moving in? It goes back to episode number two, when we were talking about intention informs your reality. So if I go back to my attention with the situation that this person said, why don't you just put this out there and let people know you know more about it and put the episodes up on this platform that will allow them to know consistently what you're doing. And my kind of first response was, oh, no, I'm not sure if I want to be That kind of broadcasts it out that way. And I share with them the reasons why that. But

Dr. Judith Holder:

also, there was an issue of that fear factor that we all had. And that's actually a nice way of warning you that they caught, that I was livid, I was in my pea soup, and all I seen was green in at the time, but they can see the cares. And they can see the onions, and they can see the spices and they can see the other things. And that's why community is so important. The sense of community having other people like mine, who are trying to walk a similar path, or do similar things that can be able to help you to know, that's the carrot there, you know, just don't get into the pea soup of it. But you have some character that you can really crunch on and nourish you and kind of move forward, we need people to help us to be able to do that, to keep us awake and aware. Because we live in a rural, as I said, and one of the other episodes of distractions, be it mentally, physically, emotionally, not just external distractions, but also internal distractions that go on, that occupy our spaces within ourselves, that we need to be able to speak. And this is what I told the individual by the mere fact that I'm speaking to you these things, and speaking them, you know, in a way that allows me to know these little little nestled on things that I would need to continue to be alert to, and work on in my mastery, because there is self mastery. And then there is also a community is all you know, each community is trying to master something to that the community that you may belong to, or the groups that you may belong to, that you're adding certain values. And they're also adding certain valuable things as well, that allows you to be able to come together in a group and the particular type of two groups that I belong to, is great synergy and great ability to be mindful. And we keep each other mindful about what we're saying, and how we're saying it so we can reflect on it. Take that still time, stay into with light and love. So that you can become be able to now continue to transcend yourself. The other thing I said is, is that I am not going to always kind of do a right, I'm not going to be 24/7 Perfect, but I'm not working to be perfect. I'm working for right heart. And they got that, you know is the right heart by which we do something by right thought right feeling that we're trying to figure out and our rhythm and flow of what that looks like in our family relationships that we have with our children, or in our relationship with co workers and colleagues. How do we be more in tune with? What is it that I need to do that will help this situation. And then others around you who have like my may say, I can help to I can help you. I can help you with keeping aware of when you fall out of warp, that you're not in the warp speed that you're wanting to go on in terms of your soul evolution in terms of your growth and your advancement that you're trying to make. We all would benefit from having those around us that can be of help to us. So one of the things that I'm saying is, think about people within your life, who are also interested in walking a spiritual path and start talking about how can we help each other to keep alert to keep aware. So that we're all evolving and moving forward towards that source, the mighty I Am Presence, the God's source that upon. Again, whatever you want to call it. When we can be able to do that, then we start having a greater rhythm with what it feels like to be soul centered with our decisions that we make, and be more aware of when we're feeling ruffled, or agitated. It's not self centered. It's moving back into the eager persona that I mentioned earlier in another episode. And we're trying to distinguish between what is soul to Lisa ego persona. And the more that we are able to see the two and observe them in manifesting and operating in our world. The more we can make better choices

Dr. Judith Holder:

to walk the path of the soul, the substance of your life and continue To be aware of the fact that it's not a matter of if you kind of go out of war, or you fall off that downloads beam, it's just something to matter when. But when do you what do you do to get yourself back, moving forward on the balance to help you to move towards the adventures of living. And now I'm using those adventures, as nice grounds to play in, like a playground, playing in to see how you're doing how you're feeling. And if you scan your knee, it heals, right? scanning your knee, or you find it and do something right, it can be corrected. That's the beauty that God has given to us, and living my life, and having each day be like a new day. Each day, you have an opportunity to try again, do it better. Helping others, seeing intentionally how you can be able to engage other people in a kinder, more sensitive way. Helping others because the more that we help others guess why. We are also helping ourselves. Because there's a law of the universe. And that law is called the law of the one. And the law of the one is is that that spirit spark, that soul essence, that I am is a unique aspect of God, but is all of God. My soul is of God, your soul is of God. And we're here to be able to give, receive love, service, learning how to surrender certain things that are not in our good keeping or liking or things that are habit patterns that are not to our benefit. And sometimes, yes, it is a sacrifice, sacrifice, the lesser aspects of who we are for the greater aspects of who we are. And that's a discussion in itself. Life is to be enjoyed. But life, we're here in this life, also, to learn lessons. And when we begin to be intentional about the lessons, for example, that little lesson that in that group, that group that I belong to that little lesson that was given to me, it was great. It was like, are you doing what you're saying you want to do? That? Are you your intention informs your reality? Listen to this, because this is how we do so subtly go out of work. So my intention informs my reality. But at the same time, I was saying that I was had uncertainty about whether I want to do this post in this particular large venue to for the episode. And so I was focused on not being sure. or feeling a little bit angst about having to do it because of quote unquote, what others would think, if I did it there. But that was a great lesson for me, you say well, that one loves nothing. Everything that we go through is an opportunity to learn and to advance by everything we do is an opportunity to grow and be curious. But why did I think that way? Could there be another way of thinking about this? Why did I feel that way? Is that feeling? One of balance, harmony, peace, appreciation. And if it's more of the feelings of angst than we do now. We just went out of warp. We do now. We just got

Dr. Judith Holder:

off to be that balance being and it's not to be critical of oneself. It's just to be aware and make the correction make the correction. And one more intentional yawn and making that correction. And making sure that we are reporting our attention is informing the reality that we want to have. Which goes with that law of attraction. So retention, so if I, if I don't want to feel angst unbind my putting my attention to feeling angst and what other people would think. If I want my attention, my attraction to be more of goodness coming my way, and attracting the best from experiences that are coming my way that I need to pivot and put my attention there. But there's another dimension that happens for us that we can also be unconscious when we're slipping out of warp. I guess what I'm saying is be aware of the fact that there's more complexities to the human nature of who we are. And that's what I've always been interested in this complexity that exist, not only for me, but for my coaching clients, and for my groups that I belong to, that my family. And as zekiel said, it's wheels within wheels within wheels within wheels, in which we're having lorries, initiations and testings that are going on helping us to be more and more alert and aware. So that the soul can be able to walk appear a spiritual path, not hindered by the ego. So that's the thing I have to take still time about is this, my ego? Does not you know, it's kind of hesitant to put this out there. And it was the my ego what people think, if it's what people will think it's the ego. The soul doesn't think that way. It's more of how can I serve this what the soul thinks about the soul wants to do sacrifice, service, surrender, and givingness of of helping others. receiving and giving love at a levels of affection, and attentiveness. Totally different energy, energetically, then fear, comparison, uncertainty. I want you to think about that. Think about those two

Dr. Judith Holder:

dimensions that go on between the souls need, and what the ego thinks it needs and wants, is a continuous process, a continuous process, but it's a fun process. Because it may sneak up on you. When you say, Aha, it's like when you're you're playing Hide, hide and seek with a child. And you say, Aha, I see you and kind of post pulls back so it hides behind the door. So it's like, no, you can't see me. But what I'm saying is that after you walk a spiritual path, when you see that behavior, or that attitude, or that feeling, or that energy that comes up, that is not in alignment with the soul needs, you say, aha, aha, I see you. Thank you for revealing yourself to me before it sneaks behind the behind the door. And that behind that door is sneaking behind it's like at the subconscious level is sneaking down that you no longer are aware of it. You have a conscious, subconscious and unconscious, and it can go into the unconscious too. And you're not knowing is still lurking there, that particular behavior, action of attitude or thought or feeling or, and so what you're trying to do even memory, and what you're trying to do is catch it playfully, catch it, see it, determine what you want to do about it, because this is the way you start clearing the field for your soul to be able to have space to reveal itself to you. As opposed to having all this other fears, doubts, uncertainties on worries, you know, am I doing it right? Or, you know, can't do it better. It's like, though that vibration is underneath that is uncertainty underneath that is probably fear. Underneath that. You've got to say, what's the next piece of the onion peel that you peel back to see what's going on. This does not necessarily take hours and hours and hours of time to do this. What it takes is curiosity and a willingness to ask yourself the question What else is going on here? And when I asked my own self that question, but this platform where there was going to put are up on the platform or not? Is it reveal itself to me to being quiet, and being curious and breathing, breathing in and breathing out, because we're there is sometimes this angst or uncertainty or worry or whatever, we usually are being really hindering our breath, or not even knowing it. But the breath of life, breathe in and breathe out, relax, get more space, and give an opportunity for your inner self, to reveal certain things to you. And the more quiet we are around that, the more it reveals itself to us. And what we need to do in that spirit may come up as a hunch. Oh, okay, let me think about that. Or it comes out, you know, through, as I said, in previous episodes, in various ways, there's trying to give you another piece of the puzzle to help you with that particular issue that you're looking at, or trying to resolve, or trying to see, if there's another way to navigate a situation that may be going on in your world. All experiences are here to teach us. Everyone that comes into your life, is teaching you something, we may not always like you. And it may not always be pleasant at all. And it can be rough and challenging. And we have to be aware of, it's just not teaching us something, it may be teaching the people who are coming into our world something as well. So this point that I'm trying to make is I'm human, I'm curious. I'm open to hearing what other people are noticing, in my interaction with people in my different groups, or in my family. But, you know, I am also

Dr. Judith Holder:

can go out of work, and being out of work. And when someone asked me to see that, and I can reflect on it. Sometimes it's quicker, sometimes it's slower. But it's all for the purpose of me growing and learning and moving forward on my spiritual path. And I hope you can see that all experiences that you're going through, are helping you guys guiding you, if you're listening to your soul, and taking that still time to catch you, when you fall off the beam. Or you're a little bit shaky on the mean, there are those that are around you that are willing to help not just physically, but we can also spiritually ask for the help. That's the prayers to God. That's the affirmations. One says to oneself, that that's a Fiat that we may get through the power of the spoken word. All things we're talking about as well. But I just wanted to have this talking about the importance of catching yourself. When are other people catching what you're saying that is not in alignment with the direction that you're trying to move in and see it as a blessing. It's not an issue around being perfect. There is no one in this human condition that we live in on planet Earth. This is going to be perfect. So I say push that aside, what we're working for, which is what the soul needs, is right heart, the right heart by which we're doing something by so think about that. Give me your thoughts about that. Take care.